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Medical Blog

Tips To Increase Your Child’s Memory

Having a good memory is useful in your child’s development. Good memory skills are helpful for your child to do better in academics and daily tasks well. Every child is not gifted with a sharp memory but in proper guidance, your chi

Over 6 Crore Indians Suffer from Vertigo: Are You One of Them?

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To determine that you are dealing or suffering from vertigo-like the over 6 crore Indians, you need to undergo an assessment like.

Do You have One or more of these Symptoms?

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Do you ever feel some symptoms that makes you uneasy some times and you could not find what it was and why it was, the symptoms such as Dizziness, Spinning, Loss of balance, Unsteadiness, Recurrent falls, Headache and imbalance, Difficulty in focusing

Cancer Prevention

There are many factors influence whether a person gets cancer. But many cancers are preventable, between 30-50% of all cancer cases are preventable.

Foods to Improve Your Digestion

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Digestive system is major part of the body. The whole body get nutrients after the food processing in whole digestive track. But sometimes it doesn’t work properly due to our unhealthy food style and routine.


Headache or head pain is a painful sensation in any part of the head. Most of us have had it many times. It can be seen in all age groups but much more in women. Minor headache can be relieved by a pain reliever, some food, coffee, tea or by taking a shor


As of today’s lifestyle, Knee pain is a common complaint among people of all ages. Sometimes your knee pain is a result of arthritis or a temporary injury.

Safety tips for Children

Giving the safest environment to the child is the biggest worry for all the parents. According to research, children are more vulnerable to environmental hazards than adults. There are many reasons behind that like children drink more water, breathe more

Alcoholic Liver Disease

In the human body, the liver is one of the most complex organs, with over 500 functions. It works as filtering out blood toxins, storing energy, making hormones and proteins, and regulating cholesterol and blood sugar.