The gyane from Best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana says that when the couple comes to us, their biggest concern during pregnancy is how they will prepare for normal or cesarean. These things keep going in the mind of a pregnant mother. Nowadays people are plagued with many questions about the operation. Almost every woman wants the delivery to be normal, but many times the circumstances such that under stress, many women face trouble in conceiving, the operation has to be done instead of the normal delivery. After normal delivery, where the mother does not take much time to recover, the delivery of the operation requires the mother to take care of for a long time.
The specialist Dr. Arti Gupta from Best delivery hospital in Haryana says if you are pregnant, then by adopting these measures, you can increase the chance of normal delivery:
1. Stay healthy
Before delivery, you have to make sure that you remain completely healthy and that you do not have any weaknesses of any kind. There should be no lack of blood in your body. A pregnant woman should keep herself mentally prepared for the fact that she is going to suffer a lot at the time of delivery. In such a situation it is very important to keep yourself healthy.
2. It is very important to have the right diet
You must have heard many times that a pregnant woman should take full care of her food and drink. In such times, it is not necessary to just calm the hunger. Pregnant women should eat such food which gives them a complete diet. It is very important to take iron and calcium in pregnancy. Normal delivery causes significant blood loss, but more than in cesarean. In such a situation, there should be no lack of blood in the body. If you want a healthy diet for the entire nine months for your normal note, include protein and vitamin-rich foods in your diet and stay away from junk food and oily food.
3. Keep drinking water
The baby stays in a bag in the womb. This bag is called amniotic fluid. This gives the child energy. In such a situation, it is important for the mother to drink eight to ten glasses of water every day.
4. Walk
There was a time when women were also forbidden to walk in pregnancy. But being pregnant does not mean getting sick at all. Doing heavy work can harm you but it is not right to stop moving.
5. Exercise and stay relaxed
During pregnancy, it is very important that the pregnant woman be happy. She should not have any kind of tension. The mental state of the mother directly affects the birth and delivery of the child.